Monday, 19 September 2011

~Sex Room~

I wanna bring you to Room ,

Sprinkle sexual ecstasy on ya hips ,

And place my wet tongue in ya lips ,

Soothing sense every inch ,
Stroking stimulating, igniting your every sexual twitch ,

Moaning my name gripping the sheets ,

Eyes race to the back of scalp ,

Sexual slurs sceam from ya mouth ,

Sweating intensely, muscles contract from your head to the feet ,

Tongue like knife goin to work ,

Stabbing ya pussy, hips tangle and twerke ,

Tingle ya clit with my teeth ,

Tongue licking like a sexual beast ,

Kissing your ,

Hard like a rock ,

Waitin' to pop ,

Screaming my name ,

Sexual pleasuring pain ,

Grabbing my head giving you head ,

Shooting and squirting all over the bed ,

Sexual euphoria showers your nerves ,

Hot stinging of sexual burns ,

Side effects of a sexual beast ,

Horny desires brought to peace ,

Body tingling while falling asleep.

~Love & Lust~

What is Love....What is Lust?
Are they the same...well that's what I'm about to discuss,

Love is the Spiritual bond, the respect, the dedication ,
Lust is the desire, that infatuated need for penetration ,

You can't have one without the other, that's not hard to tell ,
They are dependant on one another, and this example explains it well ,

How can a man Love his wife and never lust for her frame ,
How can a woman Love her man without satisfying the nasty thoughts in his brain ,

How can you have Love without satisfying that sexual thirst ,

That addresses established relationships so now let's try it in reverse ,

When a man sees a sexy girl, his thoughts are I've got to get me some of that ,
And if he does, and if it's good, then trust me, he won't know how to act ,

Pussy whipped, some will call it, and many times they are right ,
But the fact of the matter is that the lust just reassured the Love at first sight ,

And as for the ladies, when you see all those muscles perfectly ripped ,
I know what yall be thinking, I just got to let him take a dip ,

And then he licks and dicks you down, come on now, don't act surprised ,
I'm sure at some point, every lady has been dickmatized ,

You want it, you need it, you just got to have it ,
And I am no different, I am addicted to that rabbit ,

I like to grab and stab it, I like to lick and to rub.

That's...That's the true definition of Love and Lust.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

~Letter to My Love~

Days have passed memories have been made...

Others like revenge,sweet some bane...

The future,a mental haze..

Buh promises we made most of them we didn't break...

Some... *sigh* Tears have cascaded down cheeks...

We reappraise...

Reaffirm that the shit we have here is real...

Ego has made us fight a couple o' minutes...

Minutes which changed into hours to days...

thickening the future 'mental haze'...

Suddenly we cease...

If it was scientifically a disease...

cancerous is what we be...

you call out in a whisper "Baby?"

I answer in the same tone "Bay"...

With the tip o' your index you rub my eyebrow and interlia...

"I Love You"...

Those words come from you...

I giggle like a lunk head...

I pull a Niccolò Machiavelli, in a flash my upper lip and your lower lip gently touch...

Your fingers twitch...

I need not to stress the rest...

Heavily pounds the organ in my skinny chest..

To be precise on the left...

Then that moment "the strong feeling of affection for sombody" - As my Oxford Dictionary explains it....

I know its for REAL...

And i don't stutter when i say i trully Love You.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


Comes from the author Franz Kafka, and refers to the style with which he wrote his books (which in his dying wish asked for to be burned).

Basically it describes a nightmarish situation which most people can somehow relate to, although strongly surreal. With an ethereal, "evil", omnipotent power floating just beyond the senses.
You go to the city to see the law. Upon arrival outside the building, there is a guard who says "You may not pass without permission", you notice that the door is open, but it closed enough for you to not see anything (the law).

You point out that you can easily go into the building, and the guard agrees. Rather than be disagreeable, however, you decide to wait until you have permission.

You wait for many years, and when you're an old, shriveled wreck, you get yourself to ask:
"During all the years I've waited here, no-one else has tried to pass in to see the law, why is this?", and the guard answers:

"It is true that no-one else has passed here, that is because this door was always meant solely for you, but now, it is closed forever".

He then procceeds to close the door and calmly walk away.

This is in fact, one of his short stories, and is very typical to his style, i.e. kafkaesque

Saturday, 10 September 2011


Today is filled with anger, fueled with hidden hate.
Scared of being outkast, afraid of common fate.

Today is built on tragedies which no one wants to face.
Nightmares to humanity and morally disgraced.

Tonight is filled with rage, violence in the air.
Children bred with ruthlessness cause no one at home cares.

Tonight I lay my head down but the pressure never stops, gnawing at my sanity, content when I'm dropped.

But tomorrow I see a change, a chance to build anew, built on Spirit, intent of heart, and ideas based on truth.

Tomorrow I wake with second wind and strong ideas of pride.

I know I fought with all my heart to keep the dream alive.

Friday, 9 September 2011

~Life Through My Eyes~

Life through my bloodshot eyes would scare a priest to death,

Poverty,murder, violence

And never a moment to rest,

Fun and games are few but treasured like gold to me

'coz I realize that I must return to my spot,

in poverty...

But mock my words when I say,

my heart will not exist unless my destiny comes through and put an end to all of this.

~Unfinished Kiundu~

How can I survive?

Got me askin white Jesus will a nigga live or die,

cause the Lord can't see us in the deep dark clouds of the projects,

ain't no sunshine,
No sunny days

and we only play sometimes...

Saturday, 3 September 2011


Why am I fighting to live, if I'm just living to fight?
Why am I trying to see, when there aint nothing in sight?

Why am I trying to give, when no one gives me a try?
Why am I dying to live, if I'm just living to die?

Someone tell me WHY?