What If...
I told you i saw things that you humans never see...
I watch myself sleep and hold conversations with my dead cousin,
Here voices that never exist, music that has never been made or written,
Would you still look at me the same way you do today?
What If...
I had dreams of shit before it happened and knew,
Knew more about the Bafomet than Jay-z or the late Amaru Tupac,
I've seen Heaven, Angels and got an inch close from seeing the face of God,
I can read minds...
Would you say am a weirdo or say that i'm a liar?
What If...
I am inhuman,
There is a world that i've been to and you will never see it,
Or if I told you my walls break I feel everyone around,
That i blow trees to feel a spec sane,
Would you hold sympathy, or call me a freak and kick me to the ground?
What If...
I told you these things I live with every second of everyday,
And no matter what I do or how hard I try they never go away,
I didn't know how pain feels like, the same with love till i found Nikki,
Would you take me to a mental hospital or term me a new age prophet?
What If...
I was from the unseen world i told you about,
I saw life forms unknown to man,
Would you ask questions and accept my explanation?
The look on your face tells me my thoughts were verified
I guessed you wouldn’t take my secrets well.
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